Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Let your Android with the face of Ubuntu

If you're a fan of the visual aspects of Ubuntu and have always wanted a version of the system for mobile phones, your dreams are very close to achieving. Well, not totally, the most you can do for now is to install this great theme for Android, it leaves your machine that looks much like the window manager Unity.

The package, which contains icons, wallpapers, docks and other resources, was developed by Joe Steiger, and took a long time to get ready, but surprised by the quality, possessing even versions of the wallpapers of Unity and the traditional version 2D.

And what's even better, is not as slow as the original Unity!
In total, the issue includes:

71 icons;
4 wallpapers (resolution 960 × 854);
6 images for Better Application Cut;
1 Dock Launcher Pro
Unfortunately, at least for now there is no automatic way to do the full installation of the theme, then you have to install some extra applications and download icons and wallpapers manually, and install them. Applications suggested by the author, who alone is not mandatory is the Better Cut. Others, like the Pro and the Beautiful Widget Launcher must be installed on the phone.

The entire installation procedure of the issue, including download links can be found on the blog of Joe Steiger. It's worth a test.