Monday, May 30, 2011

Samsung wants access to the iPhone 5 and iPad 3 before everyone else

Lawsuits in the area of ​​technology occur as frequently as others. But some of them have different consequences than we are accustomed to seeing. As with the case against Apple, Samsung, filed last month. Last week, Apple asked the court to see  future devices from Samsung. Now Samsung has applied the same principle and asked to see upcoming Apple gadgets.

The order includes a request to see the iPhone 4s or 5, whatever its name, and also iPad 3, which would be the next versions of Apple's handset. But as everyone knows, the existence of such devices for now is just rumor and speculation, since Apple maintains the equipment under a state secret.

If Apple sell, no representative from Samsung will be able to directly see the devices but the company lawyers. They would be responsible for judging whether the similarity of products with the apparatus of the South Korean manufacturer could lead to potential lawsuits in the future, which is the goal of judicial application.

I doubt a little that a lawful order will be enough to make the giant of Cupertino-release devices have not yet advertised for a competitor. Mainly because the mere release them to the lawyers from Samsung is already a confirmation that they are there, something that Apple wants to avoid confirming. But we're talking about the American justice system, then anything is possible.