Monday, June 13, 2011

Microblog China wants to enter the western market and can compete with Twitter

With over 140 million registered users, the Chinese social networking Weibo recently launched its application for smartphones and English registered your domain. com. The company's next step is to take the microblogging Sina itself to the public in the West.

Its interface resembles Twitter before the great change in the layout made ​​this year with the background in blue, the white column on the left dedicated to the field and the avatar of the person posting above, with the number of followers and followed, that would be in Weibo something like fans and "intent on".

One of the most awaited and is appointed by specialists like microblogging will deal with the Chinese share of the blame after becoming global in its English version.

In relation to a possible competition with Twitter, Sina, the company responsible for Weibo, has not spoken on the subject. Liu Qi, official spokesman, said in an interview to Reuters: "[...] the idea of having an English version is to serve our users abroad. "

According to the site Penn Olson, Weibo not come to be a threat to Twitter, but warns that the microblogging founded by Biz Stone could learn from the microblog of Sina in some respects. Among them, the fact that Twitter does not have tools that foster group discussion. In the Weibo, there is space for comments during a post similar to Facebook.

Furthermore, the content of the posts are categorized into four groups: original content, images, video and music. The topics and trends are also separated into categories among which are Beauty, Movies, TV, Football, Basketball, Mobile, etc..

We still can not be sure that the Weibo will succeed in Western lands, but the Hollywood star, Tom Cruise, has already secured his profile on Twitter.