Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Twitter is available in Portuguese

 Twitter has now activated its version in Brazilian Portuguese, just over two weeks after the end of the complete translation of the site, which took place in record time: 3 days. The early version should help new members of the site and who do not speak English very well (the default language) but still want to participate. This is the tenth language in which Twitter is available.

To change the language, just go to settings, select the Portuguese in the list and put the password to confirm. Can be a little strange to navigate the site with "Tweeter" you're "following" people and reading their "@ Mentions," but I think the translation I'll have more trouble getting used to is the same "Topics Trend" in sidebar.

The site barely activated the translation and users have found the first flaws. On the profile page, for example, translations to and Following Unfollow not quite fit the buttons. The settings page also has a bad html tag closed, which should not be so much problem to solve.

The translation, however, is not completely finished. According to the Brazilian Carol Schimmelpfeng, which gives support to users on the network, the list of discussions on the Portuguese translation, "We are constantly add new strings to existing projects or even brand new projects."