Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mozilla Messaging releases first beta of Thunderbird 5

Mozilla Messaging took the arrival of Friday to discreetly deliver the first test version of its future Thunderbird 5, which also entered the swirl of rapid development versions of Firefox, its younger brother famoso. As most notable news of the latest incarnation Customer e-mail is a new manager of addons, its ability to move tabs between different windows, RSS reader and more robust support for both 32 bit and 64 bit Mac OSX - and say goodbye to apple computers equipped with PowerPC processors, off-line since 2006.

Visually speaking the program continues with the same basic appearance of Thunderbird 3, entitled to some small adjustments to be completed before its launch, scheduled to take place later this month (which may, of course, a delay).

Thunderbird 5.0b1: almost nothing has changed in the interface
The liveliest can download the ons Beta 5 for your favorite operating system here. Remembering that this is a program currently being tested and subject to any bugs.

Interestingly, Mozilla decided to leave the version 4 of the application side. They want to launch Thunderbird 5 at the same time they launch Firefox 5. Bizarre, no?