Friday, June 3, 2011

MSN Introduction

Launched in 1999, MSN already holds the leading position in the global market and Brazil's messengers for a long time. About 3 years younger than ICQ, its predecessor, MSN Messenger could quickly conquer a lot of fans and become the most famous instant messenger and used the world (about 320 million users).
Download the latest version of Windows Live Messenger here.

Much of that reputation can be attributed to the fact that the application is a Microsoft product. In addition to conferring a certain status, this connection also contributed (and continues to contribute) to disseminate the program among users, since it comes already installed in virtually all versions of Windows, the operating system used on most personal computers around the world .

But it would be unfair to say that the success of the Messenger is solely due to their "mother." It is true that the link with the company of Bill Gates played a role, but the resources (among them, integration with e-mail service Hotmail), messenger and its innovative features were also responsible for ensuring that MSN stood out and attract an increasing number of users.

Moreover, thanks to lots of users from many different profiles, today you can also find a lot of extensions and applications to complement the tools already available in the original program. With that, the possibilities of use and the famous "tricks" MSN compose an almost endless list, which serves as a more attractive to users.
Recently, MSN Messenger has undergone a redesign to stay competitive, and gained a new name: Windows Live Messenger. Now, the messenger is part of the package of online services from Microsoft, Windows Live. Among the most significant changes, we can highlight the last version (2011), integration with major social networks more popular nowadays, a trend among software for the Internet.

If you follow our site, may have noticed that the TechTudo has done complete guides to key services and social networks of today, and it is clear that Windows Live Messenger could not stay away. Below, we list the top tips and tutorials so you can usurfruir the maximum of features and functionality offered by the program. The list will be constantly updated, so stay tuned for news!