Saturday, July 16, 2011

Computer, plants and water: a concept that can not go wrong

I could list in alphabetical order the reasons why I avoid talking about concept gadgets here at TB. But instead, I will mention the main one: they can never become reality, creating expectations that can not be achieved. But the gadget-concept shown below is too good to pass up.

Created by Omer Deutsch, the concept is called the Secondary Growth and it is a computer that hangs from the ceiling and also serves as a potted plant. He had blocks of land with germinated seeds where the plants sprout. For them to grow, just water the computer with water. After all, mix water and porous components is close to where electricity is not anything dangerous.

His arrangement of parts is so simple that it would be possible to swap video cards, hard drives or RAM with a simple change of plates. Out that if any component fails, it will be very easy to get at the root of the problem. It would not be necessary or root access on the machine in case of a PC running a Linux distribution.

It is a somewhat strange idea, but seems to be an interesting implementation of a computer cooling system.