Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha 2 arrives today

Continuing with the release cycle, Canonical today released another test version of Ubuntu 11.10, Alpha 2. Among the several novelties, the replacement of Evolution as default mail program, and the dismissal of Synaptic.

Even if you do not want to fund this alpha test, it is worth installing and using a little longer to get used to the changes: GNOME 3 now forms the basis of Unity, and Unity 2D is used when the machine does not have the configuration needed for the Unity in all its grace.

Legends say that even in Alpha Unity is much faster
About changes in programs, Firefox is now in version 5, and we have the inclusion of Deja Dup, a program to make backups. The LightDM already is the new manager logins (as reviewed here), but still a bit plain. In addition, Evolution, and leaves the scene gives way to the Thunderbird as default mail client.

And to finish the changes, a farewell: Synaptic, a package manager created by the former Brazilian Conectiva, is outside the standard installation. But wait! You do not need to do and how I evaluate the complexity of the buildings explode from Canonical for this outrage, as always, both Synaptic and Evolution can be downloaded and installed after the installation, if you prefer to continue with them.

You can download Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha 2 directly from the Ubuntu site.

And, as Kate Stewart recalled in the Ubuntu development mailing list: Do not install an Alpha version in production environments. Alpha and Beta versions are only for testing, and you can contribute by sending suggestions and bugs for Canonical.