Monday, July 11, 2011

New Delicious Launched

I know people who dropped the Delicious hand to learn that it was no longer a property of Yahoo. The service was becoming outdated over time, since it did not receive news and innovations - it seems to me that Yahoo had no desire to continue with its development. Now that is created under the control of YouTube, it appears that Delicious will return to receive new resources.

Nothing has been announced as yet, except for new job positions in the grandparents, the company that dominated Delicious - founded by Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, incidentally, the same people who sold YouTube to Google. The positions require experience related to development of at least 4 years in this market. The others are: community manager (even social networks) and advisor for legal affairs.

According to the Next Web, there are plans to relaunch the Delicious to the end of the year. The new jobs would have to work the next version of the service, although no one has confirmed exactly what we expect from the new version of Delicious.

In recent times, by replacing a Delicious German service called Zootool, which is sold as a "visual marker." The idea is to save catches of pages viewed and navigate to them through a more visual interface. I only use it to save the most interesting pages I see daily, is recommended.

You still use a bookmark service to catalog the coolest Web sites and pages that you find the network? Use the feedback to make your recommendation.